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Infinex's training team is dedicated to ongoing professional development and lead generation programs that increase referrals! We offer the critical digital courses that meet the demands of your investment program, while offering the face-to-face resources needed to enhance and grow your practice.

Group train class with men and women smiling

New Representative Orientation

During new program and representative orientation in Connecticut, sessions are taught by experienced corporate trainers, along with key members of the Infinex staff. Investment program managers, financial professionals and back-office personnel learn about Infinet, Infinex's proprietary system designed to help financial professionals work as efficiently and effectively as possible.


We also focus on best practices, lead generation, digital marketing and all the tools offered to help you grow your business. Most importantly, financial professionals become familiar with the departments that are now a part of their extended team and the people that are committed to their success.

C.A.R.E. Training & Lead Generation Program

Infinex is passionate and focused on the success of every financial professional we serve. By providing the right tools and effective training to your referral sources, specifically your branch managers and loan officers, we help investment programs generate referrals and reach their goals. 

The C.A.R.E. Training and Lead Generation Program combines the efforts of your financial institution, financial professionals and Infinex to build a referral strategy that is most suited to your culture.  After identifying your objectives, we recommend a comprehensive program to be delivered to your financial institution either face-to-face or virtually.  Regardless of the delivery method, this training program is proven to change mindsets and generate leads for your investment team.

C.A.R.E. logo with blue and green world swirling above text


My University is Infinex's personalized virtual education system with on-demand training tracks and classes. System users can quickly access vital information and demonstrations using keyword tagging and role-based assignments.

Infinex truly understands the time constraints of the financial professionals and licensed-branch employees that work within a financial institution. Therefore, each on-demand training class can be accessed on your mobile device and are on average, only 20 minutes long.  Find endless classes on everything from business planning and marketing, to system tips and best practices for increasing referrals. 

My University logo with blue swoosh
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